أمسية إفتتاحية – الجمعية الطلابية العُمانية في أوكلاند

نظَّمَت الجمعية الطلابية العُمانية في أوكلاند يوم الجمعة الموافق 8 مارس 2024م، الساعة السادسة مساءً، أمسية افتتاحية احتفالًا ببداية العام الدراسي الجديد. حضرَ اللقاء المشرفة الأكاديمية في الملحقية العُمانية د.نادية قسطو. شمَلَ اللقاء الطلاب الدراسيين في جامعة أوكلاند وجامعة أوكلاند للتكنولوجيا، بالإضافة إلى بعض الطلاب العُمانيين الخريجين

في بداية اللقاء هنَّأت المشرفة الأكاديمية الطلاب نيابةً عن الملحقية العُمانية، متمنيةً لهم عامًا دراسيًا مليئًا بالنجاح والتوفيق. تمَّ خلال اللقاء التعرُّف على الطلاب المبتعثين الجُدد لدراسة الطب في جامعة أوكلاند، بالإضافة إلى تقديم النصائح والإرشادات حول الخطة الدراسية والتأشيرة الدراسية. وقد أكَّدت المشرفة الأكاديمية خلال اللقاء على ضرورة تكاثف الطلبة مع بعضهم البعض وحضور الفعاليات التي ينظِّمها اتحاد الطلاب العُمانيين، بالإضافة إلى استغلال فرصة الدراسة في نيوزيلندا لزيارة المناطق السياحية الجميلة والتعرُّف على ثقافة البلاد والتفاعل مع السكان المحليين وبناء علاقات اجتماعية متنوعة


The Omani Student Association in Auckland organized an opening evening on Friday, March 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM to celebrate the start of the new academic year. The academic advisor at the cultural attaché, Nadia Kasto, attended the meeting. The event included students from the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology, as well as some Omani alumni working in New Zealand.

At the beginning of the meeting, the academic advisor congratulated the students on behalf of the cultural attaché, wishing them a successful academic year. During the meeting, new students studying medicine at the University of Auckland were introduced. Additionally, advice and guidance were provided regarding the academic plan and student visa. The academic advisor emphasized the importance of students collaborating with each other and attending events organized by the Omani Student Association. Additionally, she highlighted the opportunity for students to explore beautiful tourist destinations in New Zealand, learn about the country’s culture, interact with the local population, and build diverse social relationships.

اللقاء الترحيبي للطلبة العمانيين في جامعة إسوينبيرن

نظمت جامعة إسوينبيرن بمدينة ملبورن لقاء ترحيبي للطلبة العمانيين الجدد في الجامعة وحضر اللقاء نائب رئيس الجامعة للعلاقات الدولية  د. دوجلاس بروكتور ومدير القسم الأكاديمي في الملحقية الثقافية العمانية وليد بلال وبعض المسؤولين في المكتب الدولي بالجامعة، وقد رحب نائب رئيس الجامعة للعلاقات الدولية بالطلبة العمانيين وتمني لهم عاماً أكاديمياً موفقاً

وتم خلال اللقاء تعريف الطلبة بالجامعة والخدمات الطلابية وخدمات الدعم الأكاديمي المتوفرة، كما تم تعريفهم ببعض أقسام الجامعة، وعقد مدير القسم الأكاديمي في الملحقية الثقافية إجتماعاً مع الطلبة العمانيين الدراسين في الجامعة تم فيه تقديم بعض النصائح والتوجيهات الاكاديمية والإرشادات بشأن الخطط الدراسية والتأشيرة الطلابية، وتم مناقشة عدد من المواضيع الأخرى


49th Oman National Day Celebration

The 49th National Day of the Sultanate of Oman was celebrated on Friday 22nd of November 2019 at Park Hyatt Melbourne from 5pm to 6:30om.

Over 130 diplomats, government officials, business and education as well as Omani students turned out to celebrate the milestone of the 49th National Day. Upon arrival guests were greeted into the Ballroom by their host His Excellency the Consul-General, Dr Hamood Al Wardi.

Guests were able to enjoy traditional Omani dates and coffee. Many enjoyed being served the sweets by Omanis dressed in their traditional outfits whilst viewing 8 framed beautiful photos that depicted the natural scenes and architecture of Oman. Guests had the opportunity to view new documentaries on Oman on the large screens.

The Consul General addressed the audience focusing on theme which was education. The most important aspect of the address was building bridges of cooperation in all aspects of the strengthening relationship shared between Oman and Australia.

48th Oman National Day Celebrated

The 48th National Day of the Sultanate of Oman was celebrated on Thursday 22nd of November 2018 at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne from 5pm to 6:30om.

Over 100 diplomats, government officials, business and education and community representatives turned out to celebrate the milestone of the 48th National Day. Upon arrival guests were greeted into the Ballroom by their host His Excellency the Consul-General, Dr Hamood Al Wardi.

Guests were able to enjoy traditional Omani dates and coffee. Many enjoyed being served the sweets by Omanis dressed in their traditional outfits whilst viewing 7 framed beautiful photos that depicted the natural scenes and architecture of Oman. Guests had the opportunity to view new documentaries on Oman on the large screens.

The Consul General addressed the audience focusing on theme which was education. The most important aspect of the address was building bridges of cooperation in all aspects of the strengthening relationship shared between Oman and Australia.


47th Oman National Day celebrated

The 47th National Day of the Sultanate of Oman was celebrated on Wednesday 22nd of November 2017 at lunchtime at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne.

Over 300 diplomats, government officials, business and education and community representatives turned out to celebrate the milestone of the 47th National Day. Upon arrival guests were greeted into the Ballroom by their host His Excellency the Consul-General, Dr Hamed Al-Alawi.

Guests were able to enjoy traditional Omani Food. Many enjoyed being served the sweets by Omani’s dressed in their traditional outfits whilst viewing 5 framed beautiful photos that depicted the history, modern day and future of Oman. The Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra played in the background and guests also had the opportunity to view new documentaries on Oman on the large screens.

The Consul General addressed the audience focusing on theme which was education. He also announced that his post is coming to an end and he spoke fondly of his time in Australia. The most important aspect of the address was building bridges of cooperation in all aspects of the strengthening relationship shared between Oman and Australia.

An enjoyable afternoon was had by all in celebrating Oman’s National Day and guests were able to take home an information pack enticing them to visit Oman.


Canberra hosts the 44th National Day of the Sultanate of Oman

The 44th National Day  was celebrated On Thursday 20th of November 2014 at the Hyatt Canberra.

It was the first national day Oman has celebrated in Australia’s capital city. Over 200 diplomats, government officials, business and education representatives turned out in Canberra to celebrate the 44th National Day. Upon arrival guests were greeted into the Federation Ballroom by their host His Excellency the Consul-General, Dr Hamed Al-Alawi.

Guests were able to enjoy a large selection of traditional Omani sweets and delicacies imported from Oman. Many enjoyed being served the sweets by Omani’s dressed in their traditional outfits whilst relaxing under an Omani Majils, which gave guests an authenticate Omani experience. The Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra played in the background and whilst guests were able to mingle they also could watch the new National Geographic documentary on Oman.

The Consul General addressed the audience focusing on people to people links, which is at the heart of the relationship that Oman and Australia share. The Consul General elaborated on the ways in which the people to people relations are strengthening daily, which is enhancing the prosperity of both nations.






The 45th Oman National Day celebrated




The 45th National Day of the Sultanate of Oman was celebrated on Friday 20th of November 2015 at lunchtime at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne.

Over 300 diplomats, government officials, business and education and community representatives turned out to celebrate the milestone of the 45th National Day. Upon arrival guests were greeted into the Ballroom by their host His Excellency the Consul-General, Dr Hamed Al-Alawi.

Guests were able to enjoy a large selection of traditional Omani sweets and delicacies imported from Oman. Many enjoyed being served the sweets by Omani’s dressed in their traditional outfits whilst viewing 12 framed beautiful photos that depicted the history, modern day and future of Oman. The Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra played in the background and guests also had the opportunity to view new documentaries on Oman on the large screens.

The Consul General addressed the audience focusing on theme of the evening which was where Oman has come from, where it is today and where it is heading in the future. The most important aspect of the address was building bridges of cooperation in all aspects of the strengthening relationship shared between Oman and Australia.

An enjoyable evening was had by all in celebrating Oman’s National Day and guests were able to take home an information pack enticing them to visit Oman.